Monday, February 28, 2011

Museum is All Around

One place you can think of when you come to San Francisco is..ta..dah..of course "Museums".

There are numbers of museums all around San Francisco and some are free! (That's very interesting, isn't it?) Here is s list that I can tell : Museum in SF

I think going to museums are great choice for family. Most of children are inspired when they see the achievement or interesting stories from museums. Also, they get loads of knowledge from there.
Moreover, museums are no longer boring. Such as California Academy of Sciences.
There are many fun activities and amazing exhibitions. No matter you are in any age, you feel fun. I guarantee!

Credit :

While there are a few museums in Thailand (I'm supposed not to specific to Bangkok only, or there would be too few museums.) Most of museums in Thailand are palaces of the former Kings and there are old-fashioned for new generation.

However, the government aims at this issue and tries to create something fun and interesting (No more boring still sign or pictures). Then it becomes Museum of Siam

Credit :

Museum of Siam is the first modern museum in Thailand. It changes the presentation of boring Thai history to a fun but knowledgeable.

But one place is not enough. I hope there would be more places like this for everyone and everywhere in Thailand. 
Wow..I can't wait. Let's go to the museum!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

San Francisco is another Bangkok branch.

Before coming here, I was very worried. Of course, everyone who is going to live or study abroad for at least 2 years must be worried. Where am I going to live? Will people be nice to me? Will natives understand when I talk to them? And I didn't know anyone in San Francisco. I had no idea at all if I had problems, whom I should ask? 5W and 1H questions ran into my head everyday.

Another thing is I just love Thai food so much. How can I survive without it? So, when I packed my bags, one of them was full of Thai ingredients. My mom helped me find them as much as she could. I was like I was going to open a new Thai restaurant (there was that much, can you imagine?)

But what I thought has already changed. Since the first day I arrived, I heard somebody passed by me on the street and, unexpectedly at that time, they were speaking Thai. Besides, I could say everyday I will hear someone whom I never knew before speaking Thai.

Moreover, my thought of lacking of Thai food was entirely gone out of my mind. I could say Thai restaurants are in every neighborhood in San Francisco. Probably, some restaurants are better than restaurants in Thailand. Or if I want to cook by myself (not so often but need to do it sometimes), I can find Thai ingredients easily at any Asian grocery.

So, if somebody ask me if I want to eat anything when I go back for school break, I'll tell them..

"Anything but Thai food, Thank you."

P.S. I don't want to eat Thai food, it doesn't mean I dislike it. Still, my favorite dish is Thai!

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Beginning

This is my first time living and studying abroad.
All new adventures are coming.

Let' get into my messy international student life!