Thursday, March 3, 2011

Money Money Money

"It's totally useless! Don't spend money on that!"
This was the answer when I asked my friends (even on facebook) if I would buy a TV.

However, I decided to buy it ,still my friend in Maryland knew this and then called me.
"What??? You bought it?? Go return it as soon as possible!"

I was like what? I didn't kill anyone alright. I just bought a TV!

But I understand them. Studying abroad costs big money (I mean BIG really). It's not only the tuition fee that you need to pay, don't for get your daily life. You need food, cloth and of course society (this one probably costs more than any!) Just think about what you are doing in each day, all costs money.

I've never realize this. Back in Bangkok, when I was only a college girl, everything seemed easy, including spending money. I came from the place where is collectivism. I stayed with my family and my parents treated and gave me money to spend. So, no need to think so much, just stay in your own budget (but if it was over, mom and dad wouldn't let me starve anyway)

But now it's totally different. Yes, my parents give me money to study and live but the currency which is so different (Check, Baht-BHT vs US Dollar ) and my parents are not with me anymore.

All I can do is I need to be more frugal and live smart.

Back to TV, yes I bought something you might think it's useless but for me it's necessary (please believe my excuse), especially for multimedia students like us. Now I have many assignments that mostly are related to TV. Some of my classmates told me they haven't watched TV for awhile and they cannot catch up how these days are going.See? How could multimedia student who are supposed to know this current world be like the blind? 

However, I need to pay my bill for my "TV lab time". I try my best to save my other expenses. Every penny I'm gonna spend I need to think twice. Also, I started writing my income and expense in order to remind myself and plan how I should spend.

Now I am a savor and a good multimedia student too.

P.S. another thing I got from TV is I can watch my favorite program anytime. Let's say that is a bonus, not my intention...(please believe my excuse again)


  1. I like this idea for a blog. Plus, your English is really, kinda sorta, mostly, pretty good! -- especially the post about coming to SF from BKK. Keep up the good work na haaaaaaaaa ;0 ;0 ;0

  2. "It's totally useless! Don't spend money on that!"
    "What??? You bought it?? Go return it as soon as possible!"

    haha.. many people always say that to me too..
    anyay, i understand you.

    live smart , in enough budget :)

  3. I feel the same thing as you. Some people said " Education is the investment"
